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                HEBEI JIUYUE COOKWARE CO.,LTD is an enterprise specialized in manufacturing high and medium grade temperde glass lid. Our products are used for stainless steel kettle, enamel pan, non-stick pan, electric food warmer, pizza pans and other kitchen utendils. The company id located in Shahe city which is well-known as "CHINESE GLASS CITY" for its high-quality glass in China. To the east of our company is products can be exported abroad through Tianjin and Qingdao port directly.

                The company covers an area of more than 66000 square kilometers. We have 106 senior technical personnel and 400 specialized workers. Our company owns 12 full-automatic computer controlled production lines that meet the international advanced technological standards. Now our production capability is 30 million pcs. Our company mainly produces  different types of glass lid, such as C type, G type, T type, oval shape, square shape, rectangular, high dome, colander lid, frosted lid and any other abnormal shapes with white(transparent), green, blue, bronze color. The diameter of our glass lid is varied from 90mm to 500mm and the thickness of glass is 4mm or 5mm. Moreover, our products employ high-quality float glass and stainless steel. There is a strict quality management system and one rigid quailty-control team, which enable us to take the lead in the field of glass lid processing. The resistance of impact and temperature change tests of our products have reach the international standards. This is why our products are popular both in domestic and abroad market.

                The best position in the "CHINESE GLASS CITY" supplies us various cheap glass materials. Low cost makes us competitive in the market.

                We follow the principle of "credit fundamentality, quality supreme and continual innovation". You are welcome to cooperate with us. We will set up a long-term friendship with you by our competitive price, reliable quality and zealous service.

                Contact:Mr Song +86-18831994888
                Tel:+86-319-8981888 8981481 8998444
                E-mail:shb@xfghbl.com xfghbl@sohu.com
                Add:east of northern eastern ring road, econnmic development zone of shahe city, hebei province, china